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[JOIN NOW!]Berylia BBOT Team
Hello, I create this post for create a team or a guild of bbot players in the gameworld Berylia.
If you want to join, just send me a private missage with the name of your char and I'll add you to the list(you can tell me if you want to show your character name and I'll only put your BBOT name).

Current Players:
Albert34567(me): 80EK, 78EK, 56ED
my friend(also uses bbot but he isn't on forum): 54ED, 26EK

I am spanish, but we can talk in English by vt or skype.
See you!
My ek:
[Image: pChksc9.jpg]
Please join me today, if we are a lot we'll be able to rule this world!
I have here 105kina meybe i will join Smile
(05-06-2014, 03:05 PM)buska Wrote: I have here 105kina meybe i will join Smile
Just msg me if you join!
I recomended use ctrl+N for hidden ur name

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