![[Image: Minotaur_Mage.gif]](http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060712110041/tibia/en/images/f/f6/Minotaur_Mage.gif)
![[Image: Minotaur_Mage.gif]](http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060712110041/tibia/en/images/f/f6/Minotaur_Mage.gif)
Level: 35
For Knight
Suggested Equip: Warrior Helmet + Knight Amor + Legs + Weapon for the lvl + tower shield + zaoan boots
EXP: 8 to 17k per hour
LOOT: $$$/$$$
<<Free Account>>
Start in Kazordoon Depot
Need Money in Bank: 20-30k
Need buy ticket for vagon
Excelent for Minotaur Task
You Need trap the Npc.
![[Image: sztyfl.jpg]](http://oi61.tinypic.com/sztyfl.jpg)
BP 1: Potions and Equipment
BP 2: Gold
BP 3: Creature products + Loot Items.
<<It's my First script, take part 2 scripts to form make 1>>
<<if you found a error plix says me>>
<<// sorry for my bad englsh>>
(plix Repu)