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Rp Necro/hero full afk
]Witam wrzucam swoj skrypt dla Rp na necro/hero yalahar prawy spawn

bot kupuje onyx arrows i strong mana potion
uwazam ze ilosc kupna nie trzeba wypisywac bo kazdy moze dostosowac do swojej postaci ja mam dostosowane do lvlu 60

exp 70/110 z bonusem w zaleznosci od ilosci innych graczy
loot : +80/-20k zalezy od szczescia

pozdrawiam i prosze o reputy

Attached Files
.bbot   [RP]60 Nrcro Hero Yala Full Afk cz.2.bbot (Size: 12.39 KB / Downloads: 170)
I'm trying HELP You guys, make me favour and press this /\ green button with REP+, this keeping me with helping You.
(02-19-2015, 10:27 PM)mr. Kris Wrote: English!

this bot buy onyx arrows and smp you can change buy's suples
i tested bot in 60 rp good working
(02-20-2015, 08:32 PM)galex91 Wrote:
(02-19-2015, 10:27 PM)mr. Kris Wrote: English!

this bot buy onyx arrows and smp you can change buy's suples
i tested bot in 60 rp good working

i will test it now on rp 62 skills 82 will work goood? and exp/h??
(02-20-2015, 08:57 PM)navarro2858 Wrote:
(02-20-2015, 08:32 PM)galex91 Wrote:
(02-19-2015, 10:27 PM)mr. Kris Wrote: English!

this bot buy onyx arrows and smp you can change buy's suples
i tested bot in 60 rp good working

i will test it now on rp 62 skills 82 will work goood? and exp/h??

exp 70/110k h with bonus stamina
loot : +80/-20k you luckky
I tested that script in 3h but change few settings :
Mage scientist <--fix on attack
Necro distance on 2 and use exori con
hero set on distance 2 Wink

in 3h exp he killed 200 necros

waste 37k Smile

pretty huge on 67 rp Big Grin If it can be fixed on royal spears it can be much more profitable i think mate Smile
umiesz przerobic scrypty z ek na palka ?Big Grin bo mam fajne scrypty ;d
(02-25-2015, 12:59 AM)dziura Wrote: umiesz przerobic scrypty z ek na palka ?Big Grin bo mam fajne scrypty ;d

mozna spróbowac a na co chcesz?
potrzebuje cos bezpiecznego dla palka dragi venore np ;0
dla pala bez pacc mam cyce poh zbiera royalki z depo

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