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BBot 6.0 and TeamSpeak
Found something else. Usually when there is no way available for the cavebot it will check for other points that are available and walk to those. For the past hour or so I kept bumping into a player that was using the same script (rats, rookgaard, you know who you are!) and the bot just stood there. Sometimes both of us just wouldn't move at all and just stood there for a few minutes.

Edit: and once in a while it will just walk back and forth, 1 SQM at a time for no reason.

Edit2: confirmed. Tested on another char in Venore and as it left the depo it kept walking back and forth. The cavebot needs some fixing.

Edit3: I tried using step by step, and the previous problems have been solved. Usually I use this step by step method but forgot to change that option after a friend gave me his script (he uses mapclick).

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BBot 6.0 and TeamSpeak - by MegaNo0body - 05-03-2012, 01:53 PM

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