THen i would mark every near ladder/stair SQMS as avoid attacking (or another special SQM if u make new)
after, just add ONE line on my exori macro that would prevent bot using exori on that SQMs.
There would no need to create any new advanced attacking feature (which You were thinking about, that probably would take awful long time to make) to check if there are IDs of stairs/ladders/holes/rope places et cetera nearby.
And everyone smart enough could make their full afk scripts even MORE full afk, on 150% ;d and secure against RS/Skull
after, just add ONE line on my exori macro that would prevent bot using exori on that SQMs.
There would no need to create any new advanced attacking feature (which You were thinking about, that probably would take awful long time to make) to check if there are IDs of stairs/ladders/holes/rope places et cetera nearby.
And everyone smart enough could make their full afk scripts even MORE full afk, on 150% ;d and secure against RS/Skull