(10-10-2016, 06:59 PM)norek12110 Wrote: I dont no whay like that but i click just PayGol-Phone and SMS Payment for 30 days.. a i chose payment options a debit card i pass a email after that i put my card details usualy i buing like that and never have same problems im lost money but i dont have my premium account !!
I jsut told you, you got SCAMMED by FAKE website that shows up as ADVERT on google SEARCH ENGINE.
Call ur bank, cancel that payment asap, before it goes through.
Payments with cards never go imidiately... Money is only temporary frozen
Now in polish, shorter version so you understand..
Dales sie zrobic w chuja przez falszywa strone (bbot-bmega.net), jak widze placiles karta, wiec platnosc nie przejdzie od razu. zadzwon do banku i anuluj to, cofnij, da sie do zrobic.
Po screenie widac ze na pewno nie placiles BMega