(03-04-2017, 09:22 AM)Kazan Wrote: I can watch your character on spy-down/spy-up from other floor and than when i will see, your character started using exori, i'm logging in and in less than secound out if you not hit me, cause monsters doesn't see me 1 secound when i log-in.
You would have to fit into the small window of about 20-30 milliseconds (in the timeframe between bot sending packet to use exori and server receiving it)
So it's VERY Unlikely that you would ever succeed.
And still proves my point of my 'aoe ek' setup is way better than auto macros
Let's assume you ever try.
With ~50 ms latency, You would have to approximately 1 chance in 40 (25/1000) to succeed a single skull, but after each fail you would have to wait ~1 min for your PZ form monsters to disappear, or 30s if u exit (which may be risky).
That's simply too much effort with no reward. Because if you somehow succeed to skull, you still won't make RS, simple alarm/protector would prevent that.
This way you just wasted hours and got nothing.
So if that's not 100% safe, nothing is.