12-01-2017, 10:41 PM
10000 {random function} rdm:=Misc.Random(300, 600)
10 {human timer} jestplr:=Creatures.PlayersOnScreen() !jestplr!>=2 [jest] w8safe:=0 exit() {jest} VarAdd(w8safe, 2) exit()
300 {safe exori} rdm:=Misc.Random(12, 16) Self.Mana>=150 !w8safe!>=!rdm! Self.Attacking()==1 Creatures.Beside>=2 Creatures.PlayersOnRange(3)==01 Self.Say(exori) Exit()
100 {safe exori gran} rdm:=Misc.Random(12, 16) Self.Mana>=600 !w8safe!>=!rdm! Self.Attacking()==1 Creatures.Beside>=3 Creatures.PlayersOnRange(3)==01 Self.Say(exori gran) Exit()
you need to put all those macro's in
10 {human timer} jestplr:=Creatures.PlayersOnScreen() !jestplr!>=2 [jest] w8safe:=0 exit() {jest} VarAdd(w8safe, 2) exit()
300 {safe exori} rdm:=Misc.Random(12, 16) Self.Mana>=150 !w8safe!>=!rdm! Self.Attacking()==1 Creatures.Beside>=2 Creatures.PlayersOnRange(3)==01 Self.Say(exori) Exit()
100 {safe exori gran} rdm:=Misc.Random(12, 16) Self.Mana>=600 !w8safe!>=!rdm! Self.Attacking()==1 Creatures.Beside>=3 Creatures.PlayersOnRange(3)==01 Self.Say(exori gran) Exit()
you need to put all those macro's in