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Recent OT issue
Hello fellow Bboters!

Just bought and downloaded newest release of Bbot 84.3 (stable) and I am trying to run it on Kasteria, unfortunately without luck.

Is there any chance that someone could guide me if I have done something wrong or maybe Kasteria OT is not supported?

This is what I've set up so far:
1) File - obv directly to Kasteria file / otserver ip: / Tibia version - auto / Result - no interaction at all
2) File just as above / Ot server ip: none / Tibia version - 8.50 / Result - status not connected on Bbot dashboard
3) File just as above / Ot server ip: none / Tibia version - 8.56 / Result - status not connected on Bbot dashboard
4) File just as above / Ot server ip: / Tibia version - 8.50 & 8.56 / Result - status not connected on Bbot dashboard

Please help Smile

Messages In This Thread
Recent OT issue - by arrow - 07-10-2019, 07:16 AM

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