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Strange problem.
(09-15-2018, 04:52 PM)Catar Wrote: Do you play on any OTS with customized client? cuz that may be issue,

You can add/edit IDs of certain types of objects in Data\BBot.Items.txt

Like ramps (stairs)@RampUp @RampDown or clickable @Ladder

About looter, I cant check I don't play anymore, but looter wasn't touched in any recent patches i think. should still work.

You can adjust timings of looter behaviour in variables.

Ye, i'm playing on OTS client, but now check id in game "stairs" & "ladder" and it's the same as in the folder Data\BBot.Items.txt.

I think you're right, it's probably client issue, but it's strange, because earlier i bot on hexera, and never had any problems Sad

@EDIT - Now "killer" stopped working properly ; (

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Strange problem. - by Twojstary - 09-15-2018, 08:59 AM

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