11-25-2020, 07:48 PM
Yeah, it does, I could probably go for a second macro to add those as hotkeys and use something like this
Although I'd like to bury those hotkeys into ctrl+f# I guess they just keep on going? like Shift+F1 124?
or idk if it's possible to implement in the same macro
thanks man
F1 - 112
F2 - 113
F3 - 114
F4 - 115
F5 - 116
F6 - 117
F7 - 118
F8 - 119
F9 - 120
F10 - 121
F11 - 122
F12 - 123
Although I'd like to bury those hotkeys into ctrl+f# I guess they just keep on going? like Shift+F1 124?
or idk if it's possible to implement in the same macro
thanks man