06-14-2012, 01:20 AM
->Option : Map Click / Step-by-step (Missing)
->Option : Loot after kill , loot after all dead (Missing)
->Targeting : Attack and run , not good (Missing)
->Option : Walk over on fields bugged.(Bug)
->LUA : if or else function could be realized. (Missing)
->LUA : Actions on wpt could be better formulated , to choose how u deposit por example , like neobot , stack itens , single itens ; or to deposit all in 1 backpack with other inside , or in 1 bp with 20 inside .. you know ? It would be perfect to have a setup for your script .. (Missing)
I think this is it .. if possible doing all those , or some of them , would make BBot the most used bot nowadays.
->Option : Loot after kill , loot after all dead (Missing)
->Targeting : Attack and run , not good (Missing)
->Option : Walk over on fields bugged.(Bug)
->LUA : if or else function could be realized. (Missing)
->LUA : Actions on wpt could be better formulated , to choose how u deposit por example , like neobot , stack itens , single itens ; or to deposit all in 1 backpack with other inside , or in 1 bp with 20 inside .. you know ? It would be perfect to have a setup for your script .. (Missing)
I think this is it .. if possible doing all those , or some of them , would make BBot the most used bot nowadays.