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BBot 6.4 (Tibia 9.6), Free BBot, ZayPay and DaoPay
Few Feature that should be taken care of.
First the bot should no chase enemys when the idle option is enabled.... only with the auto chase
Second the bot only not opens the 3third bp but in some cases it opens the bp's inside the secondary bp's.
Third the looter seemd to be improved but it isn't, it takes a way too long to loot if being attacked and sometimes it forgets to heal or mana restore in order to loot, even so it loots a way very clumpsy sometimes. In the option kill then loot it skips some bodies or does not loot is another wave of monsters come.
Fourth some scripts with the open door macro does not work properly or the bot stucks in the doors, like a cave bot stuck or something.

I appreciate your effor Mega the general ingenie of the bot was improved greatly.
[Image: 7-gifs-animados-aves.gif]

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