Vocationalladin (free acc)
Placelaint of Havoc (POH) , without Dl's
Loot:Gs,silks , K set (Loot From Gs's , Drags etc)
Depositer:Loot and monster products
Refiller:120 Smp , 50 SHP , Royal Spears to 25 and refil when 7
Go to deposit when 50CAP!
Start with 120smp and 50 shp and 25 royal spears
Respect and Pls Tell me on PW if u want to do it!!!
and maybe i give more information
Placelaint of Havoc (POH) , without Dl's
Loot:Gs,silks , K set (Loot From Gs's , Drags etc)
Depositer:Loot and monster products
Refiller:120 Smp , 50 SHP , Royal Spears to 25 and refil when 7
Go to deposit when 50CAP!
Start with 120smp and 50 shp and 25 royal spears
Respect and Pls Tell me on PW if u want to do it!!!
and maybe i give more information