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Ek project/bbot hunting guide
Ok so i have been offline training for 5 hours now and im going to start botting. my start will be at trolls in edron, Why? since i only had 500gold and didnt have very good eq or skills im going to skip rotworms in darashia for now.
Edron is a great place to hunt if you are poor/bad geared and havent got very high skills yet. It is also fairly profitable for level 8-15. however i would not stay here for to long, because i want to minimise the stamina used for each level.

[Image: PB0Wg.jpg?1]

So as you see in the picture, dunno if the quality will be good (first time i do this Tongue) i have gone with getting 11 health potions instead of upgrading my eq, this cost me around 500gp. the reason for going with hp pots is that when you come out as a new char from rook you dont have loads of money with you and so you could only buy 1 upgrade for example either p-arm,p-legs or tortoise shield/dwarven. However this is not enough to survive at level 8 in troll. Getting a weapon is also a possible choice BUT it can be to expensive.
Buying 11 pots grants me a much higher survivability and I can bot without being afraid to die for a much longer time, and by the time my pots have run out i will have made enough money to pick up "Wound cleansing" and upgrade my gear, and by this point i wont have any troubles keep hunting at trolls without pots or if level 12+ with 40/35+ hunt rots in darashia with a very low risk of death from the rots and a good profit.

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Ek project/bbot hunting guide - by Votzap - 10-06-2012, 01:40 PM

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