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Ek project/bbot hunting guide
Ok so I didnt have quite the luck i was hoping for (as always Smile). I died 2 times, once at night and one time recently, however thats just something you have to count with on a open-pvp. Atleast i have been able to reach level 19, however my skills are a bit bad. So i have decided to go offline training this night.

[Image: UmA8K.jpg?1]

I forgot to blur the name but im to lazy to fix that now, I mean its already uploaded and all :p (but its hard so see anyway). And dont worry about the eq, i got cash from the rothunt. Brass set was getting a bit rusty any way Big Grin

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Ek project/bbot hunting guide - by Votzap - 10-06-2012, 01:40 PM

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