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Ek project/bbot hunting guide
(10-07-2012, 07:44 PM)devas Wrote: Nice ; )
But skills are rly bad;<
If ya want i can sell u 9 knight skils 75/75 (sword) and 5 mlvl - facc - on pvp worldWink
no ty im just doing this to possibly help people get out of the low levels with bbot and the right scripts, if i wanted i could continue on my 40 ek with 75/75 on a pvp server :p.

The main reason for this is i saw a lot of low levels dont know how to use the bbot to get to the higher levels, (now i dont think 40 is a high level) but when you have gotten to around 40-50 on this guide, the people following it should start getting the hang of it and hopefully be able to continue on their own Smile.

This guide aims to help people get started in the low levels, especially if you create a new character on a new world, with little resources (ingame-cash).

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Ek project/bbot hunting guide - by Votzap - 10-06-2012, 01:40 PM

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