03-12-2013, 02:17 AM
(03-07-2013, 08:03 PM)redgar91 Wrote: In this version of bbot i dont know why but when my char goes to refill he suddenly attacks monsters i dont want to attack, but only when they attack me and only few of them not all..and not all times only when bot wants.. for example bot attack Gnarlhounds and i havent on my killer list and dont understand why i havent that monsters on killer list, so dont know why this version of bbot does that cause old versions didnt attack monster that they attack you if you havent put that option on. so please fix it or something, it's strange.
thank you for hearing me, your loyal follower, redgar~
PD: Only trying to improve, and post this here cause didnt know how to report bugs directly from bot or any page for that, thank you anyway.
Sorry, but there's nothing wrong with the bot in that front.
It doesn't attack monsters "when it wants to", it attacks monsters that were able to take life from you, blood hit. The previous versions had the option to NEVER attack back, by unchecking the box near "Self Defense".
The new versions, have Self defense enable by default, when check "Attacker" it will Self Defense automatically, but only against blood hits.
If you put the monsters you don't want to attack in the killer list with "Priority" Avoid, the bot will try to avoid attacking them, but if you get trapped, and stay in the same SQM for more then 3 seconds, it will attack back even with Avoid.
If that helped you, please click on "Give Reputation to this user" \/