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BBot 12.1
Some Problems remain Mega, like WPT after a while the WPT stop, it go to the Hunt point, and them Stop =/, sometimes is the same with the depositer, when he reach Depot, down an stair and them Stop, but only the WPT stop the healing and the other things still work, and i have to Reactive the WPT, no Reload the script just click en Active twice to active. You Dont have some macro, like after no move at all reactive de WPT? do you?. And something else, after 2 days testing, none Error file on the Bbot folder, i dont undestand Why. Veryfic that too. With some chars, when they go back to the cave the have to down a stair, sometimes they down stairs, but someothers not, and the thing is that is not allways the same char. Sometimes the char that couldent down stair before it down, but them another char doesnt down. T_T
[Image: pAq4kLP.jpg]

If my advice help u give me some REP ok?, si te ayude regaleme un REP vale?, Se minha idéia te ajudou, manda um REP ae TY, Gracias, Obrigado

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BBot 12.1 - by MegaNo0body - 04-17-2013, 07:33 PM

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