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>>>>>>>>>> Fix Bugs Plz {Very Important} <<<<<<<<<
The owner already know it ;/
But he doesnt have time to fix this bugs at this moment ;/
he is studying hard ;/

i'm thinking about buy Neobot ;S
I dont have time too and wont stop to up my chars ;/ (i'm studying hard too!)
I need to be afk, i cant look my char at every 1 hour and bbot dont do this for me now.
I used bbot for many months, since i was low lvl but now its getting hard to use this, a lot of functions bugged :/
I love Bbot, its simple and everyone can learn how to make waypoints, macros and etc, its easy to make 100% afk scripts (it have limits, some things are impossible to make with macros actually but it still a good bot if their fuctions works fine)

I think i'm just wasting my time here, i tried hard to learn how about make 100% afk scripts and i cant use this cause bbot isnt working fine :/
I'll start everything again and learn how to use neobot to make 100% afk waypoints, but i know that i'll find a good bot (not for functions but a bot wich is possible to use all features and everything works fine).

Srry, it isnt to make Mega~ feels bad, but its what i'm feeling about bbot now.
Srry for my bad english.

The Patch will come when the patch comes!
[Image: signgodfather.png]

Todo List:
Cavebot Tutorial                            [ ]
Macros Tutorial                              [ ]
Killer Non Walkable Sqm Tutorial       [ ]
Sir Scripts Co. (coming...)
Pai dos Burros

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Re: >>>>>>>>>> Fix Bugs Plz {Very Important} <<<<<<<<< - by Paper Boy - 10-25-2011, 11:11 PM

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