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FACC/PACC 30-60 LVL [EK] Scripts by vyniu13
Hello. I have some scripts for you. Some scripts are mine, but not all.

1. FACC - Cyclops in Thais (South). Bot has depositer and bankier. It's good place to earn a lot of money. [Image: cyclops.gif] [Image: cyclops_drone.gif] [Image: cyclops_smith.gif]
Level: 35+
Skill: 65/65
EQ: Crown Helmet/Noble Armor/Knight Legs/Epee/Leather Boots/Crown Shield
Profit: 2-3k gold/h + some Cyclops items
Exp: 40-65k/h
Start: Thais Depot or on South resp.

.bbot   CyclopsNorthThaisByVyniu.bbot (Size: 11.61 KB / Downloads: 658)

2. PACC - Mutated Humans in Yalahar with depositer, refiler and bankier. You could earn a lot of money here. [Image: mutated%20human.gif] [Image: acid%20blob.gif] [Image: 20060807162924!Slime.gif]
Skill: 70/70
EQ: Crown Helmet/Knight Armor/Knight Legs/Assassin Dagger/Boots of Haste/Medusa Shield
Profit: 5k gold/h
Exp: 50-75k/h
Start: Depot or in Alchemist quarter.

.bbot   MutatedHumansByVyniu.bbot (Size: 14.18 KB / Downloads: 410)

3. FACC/PACC - Coryms in Carlin with depositer, refiler and bankier. You should put at least 15 backpack in depo one within the other. [Image: Little_Corym_Charlatan.gif][Image: Corym_Skirmisher.gif][Image: Corym_Vanguard.gif]
Level: 50+
Skill: 75/75
EQ: Warrior Helmet/Knight Armor/Knight Legs/Relic Sword/Boots of Haste/Medusa Shield
Profit: 4-6k gold/h + a lot of items
Exp: 60-100k/h
Start: Carlin Depot.

.bbot   CorymyCarlinByVyniu.bbot (Size: 17.67 KB / Downloads: 539)

4. PACC - Dragons on Yalahar with depositer, refiler and bankier. Good to loot nice items like WoI or Dragon Shield. Bot don't going to kill Hydras. [Image: Dragon.gif]
Level: 60+
Skill: 75/75
EQ: Warrior Helmet/Knight Armor/Zaoan Legs/Mystic Blade/Boots of Haste/Vampire Shield
Profit: 5-10k gold/h + some Dragon Shields and Dragon Hammers
Exp: 70-90k/h
Start: Depot or in Foreigner quarter.

.bbot   DragonsYalaByVyniu.bbot (Size: 8.08 KB / Downloads: 245)

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FACC/PACC 30-60 LVL [EK] Scripts by vyniu13 - by vyniu13 - 07-22-2013, 06:38 PM

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