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[EK] My first knight project.
Hello everyone Smile

Today Im starting with a new character, because all my main characters are hunted at moment Smile
I will start with one character, but later Ill try to make it multi knight project.
Ill try to refresh it everyday with daily exp/loot.
I know that at begining it might be realy boring thread, but with time Ill buy a premmy (next week).
With everyday Ill post a script that I used to gain exp and make cash.
[Image: 10dt6wh.png]

Day 1

Starting with:
[Image: alnq8h.png]

Ending with:
[Image: 2vwemft.png]

112,118 exp
14500 gp + mob items
Used script : Salamander for knight 4 by Garst

--Kropek Wink
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[EK] My first knight project. - by macio_g5 - 08-07-2013, 08:46 AM

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