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[EK] VoonArt Knight Project
Hi, heres my knight project. From now after leaving exp spot, I will post scripts.

Iv started at 40 lv at 2013-07-15
[Image: Pbj0Qlk.jpg]

Done some POH Cyclops then moved to Mintwal druing 2x exp
[Image: nwA2Ht9.jpg]

Then time for premm and some coryms | 2013-08-04
[Image: 5XBp6Um.jpg]

Also tried some Caimans but overcrowded Smile
[Image: YPaoLcy.jpg]

Some screens from last few days
[Image: SvZzKlB.jpg]

Loot from some days at mutated rats
[Image: JEh4NrB.jpg]
[Image: 9VyHTxY.png]

Messages In This Thread
[EK] VoonArt Knight Project - by voonart - 09-05-2013, 07:59 PM

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