(11-18-2013, 03:23 PM)dajustin Wrote: well im lvl 100 with best eq avalible at the level.
more than 1kk in the bank.
Didnt change any.
Could be that tibia lagged lately but i doubt i didnt screenshot the dead :S
Screenshot on death are making ss in temple and never know why I died

Yea could be lag, net or tibia but I dont know what happend, realy, I was hunting there for long time, sometime now I putting there when all place's are full.
(11-18-2013, 04:23 PM)dajustin Wrote: Im trying ur cementary but he doesnt want to go over the stairs in the house to the mobs
Also when it charges banshees its leaving them
Realy? :o? I was using it from 105-120 for almost all time and everything was okay(some time he go to gate, said pass, and go back to refil again but very rarely, dont know why), I died one time when my net goes down. If u know where problem is with stair's, you can try to fix it. I belive you something is going wrong, so many timmes I had download scripts with good opinion and their dont work's with me ;(.
With, bansheees, yea, its possible he leaving them, but I dont know how to change it, range is ok, they are just so fast when they run. You can try to ''lock targets' or something like it. It's bot fault. Same when you hunting dragon sometime he lose dragon too when he miss many timmes.