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[ED_MS] Liberty Bay Earth Elemental 60 + 100k/H
[Image: 8147.jpg]

[Image: y5ke.gif]
[Image: rjgw.gif]

[Image: m26i.gif] 1. Edron Earth Elemental [Image: 3qt.gif]

1. BackPack - Rope, shovel, Mana Pots, Termites shit Big Grin
2. Backpack - Gold

LvL - 60 +
Exp on hour - 100k/ bonus 150k
Refill - Yes
Auto mount - No
Auto Safe - Yes
Refil - 200 Smp
Must Have Exori Flam And Exori Vis

First Script Refil 237<40
Secound Script Refil 237<40;Cap<20

All mine script on

When you take me rep i make next scripts Smile
Have question ? Msg me Wink

Attached Files
.bbot   [ED_MS] EarthElementalLibertyBay.bbot (Size: 7.61 KB / Downloads: 797)
.bbot   [ED_MS] EarthElementalLibertyBay2.bbot (Size: 7.62 KB / Downloads: 691)
[Image: tepg.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
[ED_MS] Liberty Bay Earth Elemental 60 + 100k/H - by Adamboss - 11-29-2013, 06:10 PM

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