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bug 1
Simple script with 3 waypoints and 1 macro
Ran with a lvl 1 rook char that just skiped tutorial(saying hi/skip tutorial/yes to first npc)

When I turn on the cavebot, it receives the message ~destination is out of range~ and doesnt put the itens inside the second bag(container 1), when I move manualy to the waypoint location and debug the macro, it works perfectly

I dont know how to send files in forum, so this is the script?


Point (32092 32204 7)
Point (32096 32205 7)
Macro (32098 32207 7:uneqdropbag2)


0 {uneqdropbag2} Self.ReOpenBackpacks() Macro.Wait(5000) Self.UnEquip.Armor(1) Macro.Wait(1000) Self.UnEquip.LeftHand(1) Macro.Wait(1000) Self.UnEquip.Ammo(1) Macro.Wait(1000) Map.Thrown(2853, 1, 32097, 32204, 7)

It might be nescessary to copy the content to notepad in order to copy to bbot

Messages In This Thread
bug 1 - by Bbotone - 12-26-2013, 02:08 PM

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