ty dude
I got firewalker boots and there are 30 mins on it i activate macro too after 5 secs he put them down to Bp so he dont w8 till they are worn
(12-26-2013, 10:14 PM)Thiaguin- Wrote:(12-26-2013, 07:46 PM)barrodin Wrote: Hiho dude can you make a macro when firewalker boots are gone just use enchated ruby to use them again?
1000 {Worn FireWalker} Self.Inventory.Boots(9020)>=1 Self.UnEquip.Boots(0) Self.Backpacks.UseOn(676, 9020) Self.Equip.Boots(9019)
use it. he go unequip your WORN FIREWALKER use small enchanted ruby and equip firewalker again.
(12-26-2013, 08:44 PM)Fisx Wrote: it's possible to alarm my character if grynch clan goblin attack?
i can make.. if have grynch clan goblin in screen.. ok?
1000 {Grnch Clan Goblin in Screen} Creature.ByName(Grynch Clan Goblin) Misc.Alert(Goblin, Goblin!)
use this macro.
I got firewalker boots and there are 30 mins on it i activate macro too after 5 secs he put them down to Bp so he dont w8 till they are worn