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presico de um macro pra correr atras de bichos
(06-19-2014, 04:56 AM)leleocx Wrote: Portugues - Brasil

Acho qe um bug do Bbot esta sendo o perseguir dele nos monstros. Queria saber se alguem tem um macro qe faça o char correr atras da creatura enquanto ela esta no vermelho fugindo. Agradeco


I think a bug bbot this being the monsters chase him. I wonder if anyone has a macro that does the char run after the creature while it is running in the red. Thanks

Open "Automation Tools", go on "killer", select the monster you want to follow (double click on it), change "Distance". (0 = dont follow at all. 1 = it will follow until reach it. 2 = it will follow, but keeping 2 sqm distance of it.) Save it. Done.

REP+ if i helped you. c ya Next time, Ask here!
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