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[SELL] 64x ~60lvl
Hi today i want to sell some characters

These character are on two world, one character on one account, and you can do rkey for free(Just I didn't make it).

On CELESTA i have 32 character knight armor, legs, vampire shield, mystic blade(or similar), boh and aol
On UNITERA i have 32 character knight armor, legs, vampire shield, mystic blade(or similar), boh and aol

This character is very good to botting on corym.

1 character 25PLN - 6EUR - 8$
More than 5 character - 20PLN - 5EUR - 7$(each)
When you buy all world or all character, price can be change.

- forum private message
- gg:34392302
- email: [email protected]

Messages In This Thread
[SELL] 64x ~60lvl - by Swift8 - 07-06-2014, 08:21 AM

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