03-24-2012, 09:52 PM
I don't wont be without Respect to the owner of BBot Mega but you think is fair wehn everyone pay for u software and u dont help make a new uptade without bug?
i am get crazy i have not play 3-4 days this is 6-8 lvl and i am 160 i would like now 170 but cuz u dumb bot im not!
before new uptade it was good Keep Diagonal was not bugged but now is it u can't bot with any fucking char and i am getting fucking kurwaa angry from it pls help us and make new UPTADE SO WE ALL CAN BOT IN PEACE AGAIN U WOULD HELP US ALOT ! AND WEHN U DONT DO IT I WILL CHANGE BOT ! AND U WILL LOOSE A GOOD PERSON WHO BUY MUCH U BOT! I LOST NOW 3-4 DAYS OF BOT CUZ U BOT BUG AND U DO A SHIT! ALSO PLS HELP US I AM GETTING CRAZY ! THANKS FOR UNDERSTAND PEACE OUT!
I don't wont be without Respect to the owner of BBot Mega but you think is fair wehn everyone pay for u software and u dont help make a new uptade without bug?
i am get crazy i have not play 3-4 days this is 6-8 lvl and i am 160 i would like now 170 but cuz u dumb bot im not!
before new uptade it was good Keep Diagonal was not bugged but now is it u can't bot with any fucking char and i am getting fucking kurwaa angry from it pls help us and make new UPTADE SO WE ALL CAN BOT IN PEACE AGAIN U WOULD HELP US ALOT ! AND WEHN U DONT DO IT I WILL CHANGE BOT ! AND U WILL LOOSE A GOOD PERSON WHO BUY MUCH U BOT! I LOST NOW 3-4 DAYS OF BOT CUZ U BOT BUG AND U DO A SHIT! ALSO PLS HELP US I AM GETTING CRAZY ! THANKS FOR UNDERSTAND PEACE OUT!