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Help with my autobless
Hello botter fellows, I have 4 problems with my autobless (maybe add more) .

1º of all is a izifizi question for you guys.
I use map tool for kazordoom wagon (like this tutorial , who are realy usefull for me) but Im stuck afther use wagon. I need to fix point right afther I "teleport" for the next location? I just dont try this cuz im lazy (and is hard to move some stuffs on bbot, will be usefull if have a "easy drag".

2º is
How I got 100% sure to talking with NPC?
Some bless NPC (thais, carlin, kazz and eremo) have a large area to move, I need to be 100% sure to talk with npc, have one way or I just need to talk in 3 differents regions?

Realy, how? I have a lot of scripts how walk over filds but mine just dont work.

4º How I walk over players? on eremo/boat sometimes have a lot of ppl and I got stuckerd by they (afk) on my fix point

Attached Files
.bbot   Minha bless (cuidar e arrumar).bbot (Size: 17.9 KB / Downloads: 50)

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Help with my autobless - by Armando - 07-25-2014, 06:27 AM

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