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BBot 42.0
Check Oramond Loot plz

but bbot dont open monsters =(, and dont have oramond loot.
Monsters List:
Blood Beast
Metal Gargoyle
Glooth Golem
Glooth Blob
Minotaur Amazon
Minotaur Hunter
Mooh'Tah Warrior
Rot Elemental
Rustheap Golem
Worm Priestess

ID List:
21103 glooth injection tube
21143 glooth sandwich
21144 bowl of glooth soup
21145 bottle of glooth wine
21146 glooth steak
21158 glooth spear
21164 glooth cape
21165 rubber cap
21166 mooh'tah plate
21167 heat core
21168 alloy legs
21169 metal spats
21170 gearwheel chain
21171 metal bat
21172 glooth whip
21173 moohtant cudgel
21174 mino lance
21175 mino shield
21176 execowtioner axe
21177 cowtana
21178 glooth club
21179 glooth blade
21180 glooth axe
21182 glob of glooth
21183 glooth amulet
21186 control unit
21193 metal jaw
21194 slime heart
21195 poisoned fang
21196 necromantic rust
21197 slimy leaf tentacle
21198 metal toe
21199 giant pacifier
21200 moohtant horn
21201 execowtioner mask
21202 mooh'tah shell
21203 glooth bag
21204 cowbell
21218 Lisa's doll
21219 one hit wonder
21292 feedbag
21295 glooth backpack

Messages In This Thread
BBot 42.0 - by MegaNo0body - 09-09-2014, 09:32 AM

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