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I need macro on OTS
Hello dudes.
I need a macro:
02:48 [Cave bot check]: Please, kill all the monsters around and stop moving for a couple of seconds to prove that you're not AFK (Wait for 'Thanks!' message until you move away).
02:48 [Cave bot check]: 1.
02:48 [Cave bot check]: 2.
02:48 [Cave bot check]: 3.
02:48 [Cave bot check]: 4.
02:48 [Cave bot check]: 5.
02:48 [Cave bot check]: 6.
02:48 [Cave bot check]: 7.
02:48 [Cave bot check]: Thank you for the cooperation, enjoy the fair play!

After first msg bot kill all monster on the screen and wait to this msg "02:48 [Cave bot check]: Thank you for the cooperation, enjoy the fair play!" then keep botting.

Msg is in Server Log.

Messages In This Thread
I need macro on OTS - by alutor - 10-02-2014, 12:57 AM

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