1000 {Retro pvp atack} ID:=idrune mana:=amoutmana spell:=exori vis Creatures.PlayersOnScreen()==1 [runes] Self.Attacking()==1 Self.Mana>!mana! Self.Say(!spell!) Exit {runes} Self.Attacking()==1 Target.Shoot(!ID!) Exit
or try that1
haven't bbot now macro wrote from mind
fill fiields
ID= you rune id hmm stalagmite etc
mana=if mana lower than this amount bot bot will not use spell just wand
spell=which spell have to use?
or try that1
haven't bbot now macro wrote from mind
fill fiields
ID= you rune id hmm stalagmite etc
mana=if mana lower than this amount bot bot will not use spell just wand
spell=which spell have to use?