Hola Eduardoalatorre,
First Open your Bbot - Settings - Load - Click in your script and click in Ok
PD: In your folder of bbot you need a folder with the name "Configs" if you don't have create and inside put your script
First Open your Bbot - Settings - Load - Click in your script and click in Ok
PD: In your folder of bbot you need a folder with the name "Configs" if you don't have create and inside put your script
![[Image: 10921685_346777972176031_509533832_n.jpg...f860e22c2b]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t34.0-12/10921685_346777972176031_509533832_n.jpg?oh=9928673f8123482954c5eb1390fcae2b&oe=54B10A95&__gda__=1420879818_b596763ca800fa3faa690df860e22c2b)