01-04-2016, 05:41 PM
CHECK - a few bugs in my 2x 100% afk addon colleter fixed
80% - vps's mc stability test with 40 mc
CHECK - authotkey macro to associate to a keyboard hotkey, and a number to each of my accounts, and log in sequentially with a single hotkey a selected, and to quickly send an account/password to an window previously in clipboard
CHECK - autohotkey macro to check in tibia.com if the character is deleted, and if not deleted: log in tibia -> open bot -> load script with; from a txt database with acc/pw/char/script, if the character is deleted, its market in the txt file as deleted and not logged in to avoid ip block
CHECK - autohotkey to see who dies in the tibia.com(downgrading level in tibia.com world list)
60% - 6 flexible script for lvling up 6 caves in dawnport, dawnport -> choose vocation -> go to depot of selected town, loggin next char (auto equipper looted eq / dropping set before loggin in next char / searching for eq in the floor intown)
0% - swamp troll 100% (money) / salamander 100% (money) / other caves I'll be checking
0% - leveling an army in many servers(at least 10 summoning mages 26-30 from trolls/rotworms/dwarfs/salamanders/cycs stealth ring, in the servers I will fight war/pk to develop friends to help me, 10 mages 46-49 from cycs/dwarf guards/rot fibula/ rorc or OF with summon/ whatever, I'll find out later
0% - training skills with 30 lvl's 8 with 5 days voucher, to laterly level up with an anti-delete script with other bot
-1000% - autohotkey for a database of characters profiles and chars that doesnt appear logged in in the same time, the characters that are not hidden, characters deaths database, online time average and most common loggin in in time each day, etc (I think it's far beyoung my capaciity, but I'ill try if I dont go retired again)
80% - vps's mc stability test with 40 mc
CHECK - authotkey macro to associate to a keyboard hotkey, and a number to each of my accounts, and log in sequentially with a single hotkey a selected, and to quickly send an account/password to an window previously in clipboard
CHECK - autohotkey macro to check in tibia.com if the character is deleted, and if not deleted: log in tibia -> open bot -> load script with; from a txt database with acc/pw/char/script, if the character is deleted, its market in the txt file as deleted and not logged in to avoid ip block
CHECK - autohotkey to see who dies in the tibia.com(downgrading level in tibia.com world list)
60% - 6 flexible script for lvling up 6 caves in dawnport, dawnport -> choose vocation -> go to depot of selected town, loggin next char (auto equipper looted eq / dropping set before loggin in next char / searching for eq in the floor intown)
0% - swamp troll 100% (money) / salamander 100% (money) / other caves I'll be checking
0% - leveling an army in many servers(at least 10 summoning mages 26-30 from trolls/rotworms/dwarfs/salamanders/cycs stealth ring, in the servers I will fight war/pk to develop friends to help me, 10 mages 46-49 from cycs/dwarf guards/rot fibula/ rorc or OF with summon/ whatever, I'll find out later
0% - training skills with 30 lvl's 8 with 5 days voucher, to laterly level up with an anti-delete script with other bot
-1000% - autohotkey for a database of characters profiles and chars that doesnt appear logged in in the same time, the characters that are not hidden, characters deaths database, online time average and most common loggin in in time each day, etc (I think it's far beyoung my capaciity, but I'ill try if I dont go retired again)