Hehe there would be more but my eq is composite hornbow , pal arm , zao legs , warrior helmet
i don't wanna buy better eq cuz I bought that rp from sime guy really cheap. And I'm afraid he can recover it at any time. After 30 days wanna buy full eq and get new rkey around 220 lvl and do demon task. After that char for sell xd
P.S I paid for char 4 kk with 33 days premium *.*
i don't wanna buy better eq cuz I bought that rp from sime guy really cheap. And I'm afraid he can recover it at any time. After 30 days wanna buy full eq and get new rkey around 220 lvl and do demon task. After that char for sell xd
P.S I paid for char 4 kk with 33 days premium *.*