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BBot 57.1 Reconnect Manager
Guys, im pretty noob about botting... and im going crazy about this reconnect stuff, cuz this is a great bot and i use it 24/7...
i did get it that the first step is going in the "Manage Accounts", fill my accname and password, new character name, and create an "user".
So i select the character "profile", and then what?
I dont know what to put in the duration time... can i put it to run like for 50hours? hahah
and this "Block" option, i dont want it to block my bot stuff, i want it to run forever and ever... i kick manualy my character when i dont want it to run anymore...
And what is this "run task" button? i need to click on it? cuz when i do, it disable my enable check o.o
sorry if its a long post, and if its confuse...
hope someone could help me <3
do i even need to say that mega do a great job? we all know he does! thx man :*

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BBot 57.1 Reconnect Manager - by MegaNo0body - 02-09-2015, 02:08 AM

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