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BBot 58.0 with Tibia 10.75 support
Today I left my character online until the server save, with simple reconnect configured as it was before update, plus the Reconnect Manager which was configured too. The character was reconnected normally! So, apparently it's ok for me.

I noticed that the targeting gets really crazy sometimes. He aim the mob, but he persist following the waypoints. After some "tries" of kill the mob, he finally stop following and attack.

@edit: is there a simple way using the reconnect manager to reconnect to the next character of the account but don't using as base the online time, but the experience? I want to make a Dawnport script in a account with ~10 characters. When it leaves Dawnport, it relog to the next character and start leveling again. The time for this is variable... I don't know if it's possible.
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