04-08-2012, 03:54 AM
WoW man , that's a long guide , but yes , I'm actually working on a 8-50 druid guide , but I can just say you something like that to 100 ..
Level 8-13 you can bot on darashia rotworms.
Level 13-20 you can go on larvas ankrahmun.
Lvl 20-30/35 you can choose on going to tombs or make crocodile task.
Level 35-45 I would say tarantula task.
Level 45-60 you can already hunt dragons on darashia
Level 60-80 recomend you dragon lords on darashia / tombs last floor on ankrahmun / frost dragon on okolnir / necromancers.
Level 80-100 now you can bot everywhere .. necro yala / frost okol / dl's fenrock / dl's darashia / lizards / many places
Level 8-13 you can bot on darashia rotworms.
Level 13-20 you can go on larvas ankrahmun.
Lvl 20-30/35 you can choose on going to tombs or make crocodile task.
Level 35-45 I would say tarantula task.
Level 45-60 you can already hunt dragons on darashia
Level 60-80 recomend you dragon lords on darashia / tombs last floor on ankrahmun / frost dragon on okolnir / necromancers.
Level 80-100 now you can bot everywhere .. necro yala / frost okol / dl's fenrock / dl's darashia / lizards / many places
