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ok let's start...I Play Inferna Server:
I got 25 Accounts 21 of them are cashmaker run all time till stamine is 15:00 then i log them of and let stamina reload again to full and i repit it again and again ... none of them got banned or something....
then to the 4 other account this 4 accounts are premium account... 2 ek cashmaker lvl 80 and other lvl 90 .. no banned or somtehing...
then my paladin i make from lvl 1-lvl 86 pure bot in 1 month no banned!
then my main char from lvl 139-167 in 1 month no banned!

Also Guys what i wanna tell is this is fact bbot is a save bot wehn ppl's use them right!
Wehn u use Lighthack or Dash or Print Screen by Advanced or to much macros or wehn u stay in same place with u chars and use mc u can get banned this is fact!

Also please don't spawm like, i got deleted take care about bbot we pay for nothing etc etc, ppl's who got banned are just noobs who don't know how to use right a good bot!

also keep in mind use lighthack or dash make the most banns from the bots

Have Fun by Botting like me Cuu Big GrinBig Grin

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12 APRIL 2012 MASS BAN - by Paul - 04-12-2012, 03:03 PM

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