Someone's bored?

I pay 100 Tibia Coins for person who will find and write all ID's to my list

Ape Fur=
Badger Fur=
Bamboo Stick=
Banana Sash=
Basalt Fetish=
Basalt Figurine=
Bat Decoration=
Bat Wing=
Bear Paw=
Behemoth Claw=
Black Hood=
Black Wool=
Blazing Bone=
Bloody Pincers=
Blood Tincture In A Vial=
Blood Preservation=
Bloody Dwarven Beard=
Blue Piece of Cloth=
Boggy Dreads=
Bone Fetish=
Bone Shoulderplate=
Bonecarving Knife=
Bonelord Eye=
Bony Tail=
Book Of Necromantic Rituals=
Book of Prayers=
Bowl of Terror Sweat=
Brimstone Fangs=
Brimstone Shell=
Broken Crossbow=
Broken Draken Mail=
Broken Helmet=
Broken Key Ring=
Broken Ring of Ending=
Broken Shamanic Staff=
Broken Slicer=
Broken Throwing Axe=
Broken Visor=
Brown Piece of Cloth=
Bunch of Troll Hair=
Bundle of Cursed Straw=
Carniphila Seeds=
Carrion Worm Fang=
Cat's Paw=
Centipede Leg=
Cheese Cutter=
Cheesy Figurine=
Chicken Feather=
Cliff Strider Claw=
Cobra Tongue=
Colourful Feather=
Compound Eye=
Corrupted Flag=
Countess Sorrow's Frozen Tear=
Crab Pincers=
Crawler Head Plating=
Cultish Mask=
Cultish Robe=
Cultish Symbol=
Cursed Shoulder Spikes=
Cyclops Toe=
Damselfly Eye=
Damselfly Wing=
Dark Rosary=
Dead Weight=
Deepling Guard Belt Buckle=
Deepling Breaktime Snack=
Deepling Claw=
Deepling Ridge=
Deepling Scales=
Deepling Warts=
Demon Dust=
Demon Horn=
Demonic Finger=
Demonic Skeletal Hand=
Dirty Turban=
Downy Feather=
Dracola's Eye=
Dracoyle Statue=
Dragon Priest's Wandtip=
Dragon's Tail=
Draken Sulphur=
Draken Wristbands=
Dung Ball=
Elder Bonelord Tentacle=
Elven Astral Observer=
Elven Hoof=
Elven Scouting Glass=
Elvish Talisman=
Enchanted Chicken Wing=
Essence of a Bad Dream=
Eye of a Deepling=
Eye of a Weeper=
Eye of Corruption=
Fiery Heart=
Fir Cone=
Fish Fin=
Flask of Embalming Fluid=
Flask of Warrior's Sweat=
Frost Giant Pelt=
Frosty Heart=
Frosty Ear of a Troll=
Gauze Bandage=
Geomancer's Robe=
Geomancer's Staff=
Ghastly Dragon Head=
Ghostly Tissue=
Ghoul Snack=
Giant Eye=
Girlish Hair Decoration=
Glob of Acid Slime=
Glob of Mercury=
Glob of Tar=
Gloom Wolf Fur=
Goblin Ear=
Golden Lotus Brooch=
Goosebump Leather=
Green Dragon Leather=
Green Dragon Scale=
Green Piece of Cloth=
Hair of a Banshee=
Half-digested Piece of Meat=
Half-eaten Brain=
Hardened Bone=
Hatched Rorc Egg=
Haunted Piece of Wood=
Heaven Blossom=
Hellhound Slobber=
Hellspawn Tail=
Hemp Rope=
Hideous Chunk=
High Guard Flag=
High Guard Shoulderplates=
Holy Ash=
Humongous Chunk=
Hunter's Quiver=
Hydra Head=
Incantation Notes=
Iron Ore=
Jewelled Belt=
Key To The Drowned Library=
Kollos Shell=
Kongra's Shoulderpad=
Lancer Beetle Shell=
Legionnaire Flags=
Lion's Mane=
Lizard Essence=
Lizard Leather=
Lizard Scale=
Lost Basher's Spike=
Lost Bracers=
Lost Husher's Staff=
Luminous Orb=
Lump of Dirt=
Lump of Earth=
Mad Froth=
Magic Sulphur=
Mammoth Tusk=
Mantassin Tail=
Marsh Stalker Beak=
Marsh Stalker Feather=
Minotaur Horn=
Minotaur Leather=
Mr. Punish's Handcuffs=
Mutated Bat Ear=
Mutated Flesh=
Mutated Rat Tail=
Mystical Hourglass=
Necromantic Robe=
Nettle Blossom=
Nettle Spit=
Noble Turban=
Orc Leather=
Orc Tooth=
Orcish Gear=
Peacock Feather Fan=
Pelvis Bone=
Petrified Scream=
Piece of Archer Armor=
Piece of Dead Brain=
Piece of Scarab Shell=
Piece Of Crocodile Leather=
Pieces Of Magic Chalk=
Piece of Massacre's Shell=
Piece of Swampling Wood=
Piece of Warrior Armor=
Pig Foot=
Pile of Grave Earth=
Poison Spider Shell=
Poisonous Slime=
Polar Bear Paw=
Pool of Chitinous Glue=
Protective Charm=
Purple Robe=
Quara Bone=
Quara Eye=
Quara Pincers=
Quara Tentacle=
Red Dragon Leather=
Red Dragon Scale=
Red Hair Dye=
Rope Belt=
Rorc Egg=
Rorc Feather=
Rotten Piece of Cloth=
Red Piece of Cloth=
Safety Pin=
Sandcrawler Shell=
Scale of Corruption=
Scarab Pincers=
Scorpion Tail=
Scroll of Heroic Deeds=
Scythe Leg=
Sea Serpent Scale=
Seeds Seeds (150gp)
Shaggy Tail=
Shamanic Hood=
Silky Fur=
Skeleton Decoration=
Skull Belt=
Skull Shatterer=
Skunk Tail=
Small Flask of Eyedrops=
Small Notebook=
Small Oil Lamp=
Small Pitchfork=
Snake Skin=
Sniper Gloves=
Soul Stone=
Spellsinger's Seal=
Spider Fangs=
Spidris Mandible=
Spiked Iron Ball=
Spirit Container=
Spitter Nose=
Spooky Blue Eye=
Star Herb=
Stone Herb=
Stone Wing=
Strand of Medusa Hair=
Strange Symbol=
Striped Fur=
Swamp Grass=
Swampling Moss=
Swarmer Antenna=
Tail of Corruption=
Tarantula Egg=
Tattered Piece of Robe=
Tentacle Piece=
Terramite Eggs=
Terramite Legs=
Terramite Shell=
Terrorbird Beak=
Thick Fur=
Tooth File=
Trapped Bad Dream Monster=
Troll Green=
Undead Heart=
Unholy Bone=
Vampire Teeth=
Warmaster's Wristguards=
Warwolf Fur=
Waspoid Claw=
Waspoid Wing=
Weaver's Wandtip=
Werewolf Fur=
White Piece of Cloth=
Widow's Mandibles=
Winged Tail=
Winter Wolf Fur=
Wimp Tooth Chain=
Witch Broom=
Wolf Paw=
Wyrm Scale=
Wyvern Talisman=
Zaogun Flag=
Zaogun Shoulderplates=
Vampires Cape Chain=
Frazzle Tongue=
Frazzle Skin=
Silencer Resonating Chamber=
Silencer Claws=
Sight of Surrender's Eye=