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BBot 25.1
Quote:Version 25.1
= Reconnect
= Server-Save Logout
+ Open Backpacks Minimizer
+ Macro Run-Once option
+ [macro] Self.ToggleMinimizeBackpack(Index)
= Friend Healer exhaustion
* Depositer going on wrong depot
= New smarter Backpack opener algorithm
* Mana Drinker exhaustion

The Reconnect and the Minimizer needs to send mouse clicks to the Tibia screen, if you minimize or hide the Tibia (by using the Tray), those features will bring the Tibia back to a normal screen. You can however inactive the Tibia window (by simply clicking on other windows and bringing other programs to the foreground), a inactive Tibia window will receive mouse clicks without bringing the Tibia to the foreground.

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BBot 25.1 - by MegaNo0body - 11-07-2013, 07:52 PM

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