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Honeycombs Collector for Rookstayers - Rookgaard Wasp Tower
Hi I've made collector script for rookstayers.
Start it near Rookgaard wasp tower, it goes to kill some wolves and bears too.

LVL: 20?
Exp/h: 2-3k
Loot: Honeycombs and bear & wolf paws if lucky.
I've already tested it and he loot me 50-60 honeycombs and some bear paws in something about 24h.

Please give reputation if you like it Big Grin

Attached Files
.bbot   [Rookstayer] Wasp Tower by Evilrockerz666.bbot (Size: 4.38 KB / Downloads: 111)
Thanks alot Smile! I've made some rookstayer scripts but never done Wasp Tower one, thanks again!
Please give me reputation if I helped you.
Thanks Smile you should try my Bear Cave script too Big Grin

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