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Oscar - Drefia Wyrm Lair [EK]
Depositer CAP<250;268<300;7643<10)
Refiler 900 MP 30 UHP
Required lvl: 140+
Class: Knight
Attack type: Mele
Monster: Wyrm, Necromancer, Vampire, Ghost
Profit: 10 ~ 50k/gold items and creature products (loot can be very valuable)
Exp/h: 200-350k/h - With happy hour x1.5
Skills: I recommend 95/95+
Start: Depot

.bbot   100% Drefia Wyrms - By Oscar.bbot (Size: 15.38 KB / Downloads: 935)
[Image: akDwa5z.png]

The bot also uses exori hur and exori ico
{exori hur/ico}$ 30 0 100 0 :exori ico;! 30 0 100 3 :;$ 40 0 100 0 :exori hur;! 40 0 100 4 :;

The script is made on a NON-PVP server so the AutoAreaAttack will make an exori when 4 creatures is around you.

This macro is for people on a regular PVP server
2000 {Safe Spellcast} Self.Mana>=150 Self.Attacking Creatures.Beside>=4 Creatures.PlayersOnScreen=01 Self.Say(exori)

Kind regards Oscar

The bot will buy 60 avalanches and use them on Ghost. If you play on a PVP server, just delete Ghost from the killing list
Please give me reputation if I helped you!

EK Project ~ By Oscar ツ
★Scripts By Oscar★
Should add Necropharus to the killer list as he sometimes spawns there. Smile
(06-07-2013, 11:15 AM)Qapux Wrote: Should add Necropharus to the killer list as he sometimes spawns there. Smile
Thanks for pointing that out!
Please give me reputation if I helped you!

EK Project ~ By Oscar ツ
★Scripts By Oscar★

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