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Potrzebny skrypt ! Need Script ! $$$
Potrzebuje skryptu dla 45 royal paladina, skille to jakies 78/50 , eq; demon helmet, pall armor, blue legi, bohy, mms , p ammy. Potrzebny mi skrypt na jak najszybszy exp, mozliwe ewentualne niewielkie waste. Skrypt musi byc 100% afk . Propozycje pisac tutaj i dopisywac k/h .


I need script for a 45 royal paladin, skills its : 78/50 , eq : demon helmet, pall armor, blue legs, bohs, mms, p ammy. I need script, to gain fastest exp its possible, its may have a little waste. Scripts need to be 100% afk. Write you ideas here, and write how much k/h script gain.

Oczywiście wchodzi w grę zapłata w GP / Of course i can pay for that in GP
what about tiquanda laboratory? :> [~40-50k/h, profit]
Mutated humans [30-40k/h] might be more or less, depends how many people bot there on your server]
Apes? [30k/h~]
Dworcs with melee weapon [25k/h~]
Small barbarian camp [30k/h]
Terramite cave [30k/h~]
Laguna Islands [30k/h~]
Mistrock Cyclops [40k/h~]
mam jakis skrypt dla palka na mutated humany i mistrock rp

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