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Problem with premium time bbot
English version( sorry, google translator):
Was buying premium time in connection mode by zay pay. But only, only 22% were completed and the connection hung up the phone shortly after take off, power failure and I do not know the pin code. How do I do now? My association spent all my credits. ;-/
Portuguese version:
Estava comprando uma premium time no modo de ligação pelo zay pay. Mas só que, só foram completado 22% e a conexão desligou, logo após o telefone ter desligado, faltou energia e eu não sei mais o pin code. Como eu faço agora? Minha ligação gastou todos os meus creditos. ;-/
Without the pincode or a confirmation of purchase, the Mega can not do anything, because it also ends up not getting anything.

Contact the zaypay support.
Thank you! I am in contact with support zay pay.

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