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BBot - Depositer
i have a problem can't make a depositer if cap is 30
if i make it the cap is 278 and it gones deposit
need help

Sorry VVV but cant good english;/
For polish user's
mam problem nie umiem zrobic depositera zeby gdy ma 30 cap albo mniej liecial do depo i depositowal
jak ja robie to gdy ma 278 capa to leci depositowac ;/

Please For help
Prosze O Pomoc
Seriously, can't you read or are you blind?

Only English
Sorry, but from now only english will be accepted on this forum, this will make the forum easier to keep / moderate / read. No portuguese/polish anymore. You can always use translators to help you writting a english text.

Add a fullcheck Cap<30 and everything should be working fine.

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