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Need some help with Buddel boat svargrond! =)
He's "Drunk", he may send you to a random island how do i do to get my character to the right island ?
The bot needs to stand on a sertain SQM/Coordinates before it continues, is this possible ?
Just bring some dwarven rings in your bp and it will be okay.
(11-09-2013, 11:13 PM)kamill Wrote: Just bring some dwarven rings in your bp and it will be okay.

500 gp ea, cant do that =)
Anti Buddel System by Negro

You need that macro:
1000 {Anti Buddel} Misc.StandTime()>45 Label(Anti Buddel)

In Cavebot put that in RAIDER CAMP:

[Image: lndn.png]

Go to last Waypoint of boat for go to refill and put where the new label with that name: City

Point (32333 31229 7)
Label (32333 31228 7:City) <-------------
Say (32333 31229 7:hi)
NPCSay (32333 31229 7:passage)
NPCSay (32333 31229 7:svargrond)
NPCSay (32333 31229 7:yes)
Point (32255 31192 7)

After in Svargrond Buddel (for return to the cave) create a new label with that name: Continue

Say (32255 31195 7:hi)
NPCSay (32255 31195 7:passage)
NPCSay (32255 31195 7:tyrsung)
NPCSay (32255 31195 7:yes)
FullCheck (32334 31228 7:Full City Else Continue Code 268<30; cap<70) <----------
Label (32336 31230 7:Continue) <----------

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