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2 Cashmaker 1 Main
Heyho, In this project, I wanna do 150 + ek as main, and 70+ cashmakers, Main will be pacc, and cashmakers will be free, on days I will do more chars maybe around 4? To good stamina regenerate, On 1 day I maked around 40k ~ by 2 cashmakers, on salamander caves

LVL : 19
LVL : 28
LVL : 13

Here is a pic of my chars Wink
[Image: BKAjVzi.jpg?1]

I use scripts from forum only, in days I will do my script on tarantula task, for my main.
So, next day new chars check it Smile

Project is bigger to 6 moneymakers + main and I think It will be 9 moneymakers + main, just let me get new comp Big Grin anyway

Red dot - Main char
Green dot - Team A
Light Blue dot - Team B

[Image: JaW0DxD.jpg?1]

And loot from 2 nights, one night by Team B and second night by Team B :]

[Image: 47v4zAo.jpg?1]

As u can see, I got many shit from Salamander Cave, Im waiting till Yasir would be in my world Big Grin
Loot from today night + money Big Grin

Total money from yesterday, and 2 days ago is around 200k~ ;p

On that night I put 4 chars today, I wanna put Green Dot team only Big Grin

[Image: LOavbg4.jpg]
Well, as I can see, I maked little haos on ss, from now I'll put ss on 19:00 on Polish time or little after ;p
Nice project! I already made 2kk in 15 days with moneymakers in salamanders.
Btw, can you post here the scripts you use with your main? Or can you send me the script? It will be very useful for me!
Yea sure, it's script by Kazumi, tested by me ;p it works in 90% sometimes it bug,

Well, back to topic, today I will do "loot bp's screens" from 0 and I will collect all money, and items for 3 days, so loot screens will be one on 3 days Big Grin later I'll do all my chars status.
Im waiting till 20.12 then I'll get my new comp so I think i'll make more chars, Guys what u think, GTX-760 on amd radeon 6 with i5 and 8 gb ram will be okay on 10 chars on one moment without any problems? Well, we will see Big Grin

Attached Files
.bbot   By Kazumi Elf Yalahar 100%.bbot (Size: 7.72 KB / Downloads: 54)
[Image: U1sb1em.jpg]

It's char status, and if u can see, on my main I buyed something special, from money from cashmakers Big Grin 600k maked in 5 days :]
[Image: 6kmFOpH.jpg?1]
19-22 december.
Well, I stopped botting in cashmakers, becuase I just don't want to make my comp running 24/7 I only bot on my main, here some screens from 1 day ;d
[Image: qJL7FOi.png]

[Image: H4uqlVq.png]

#6 ml

[Image: 0gAmLmX.png]
can u share terramite script ? and say exp k/h?
Umm, not really sorry :/
Chars banned/deleted :c topic ended bye.
baned? cuz mc? or u used something like !unsafe features?
Nope I don't mc is legal, I got banned because bot ;d

Now its +-1 year and 4-5months while im using bbot... I didnt get banned i used mc and all shits.... like 5 mcs and 0 bans...

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